Sunday, June 27, 2010

Utilize the Library

 Photo copyright RAL

I understand some of these tips may be no-brainers to most, but it might still help some!  I've learned this year to really utilize our local library for books.  I loved the great deals I found in the book catalog that was sent home with my daughter each month and often stocked up on the $1 books (only to be read and discarded).  Then money was tight one month and I didn't order.

You know what?  We survived.  And I discovered all the books I would've ordered and more available for free. A savings for me of over $100 a year! (I had been spending $10-$15 a month).

Our local library also has great programs for kids, such as storytime, playtime, and puppet shows.  Again, for free.

Just don't return the books late and get fined, and be sure to donate books to your library if they take them!

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