Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Grow it Yourself--Produce in Your Backyard

Well, this one is kind of old.  I started to write it way back in the summer when my produce was just starting to grow.  I wanted to wait until I had a harvest to take an actual picture.  Now of course, the harvest is gone and so is the garden.

As I looked at my garden though, and the little work it took (except for those pesky weeds!) I saw my savings add up.  Each bunch of green onions saved me $1.50.  Each pepper was about 50 cents to $1.  Tomatoes saved HUGE amounts, since they are so heavy. 

Those pesky weeds did me in though.  I couldn't keep up.  Next year I'm doing something different--container gardening.  I've been told I won't like it, but I figure it'll be easier to pull weeds out of a giant pot than a giant rectangle. We'll see!

1 comment:

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